22 Mar

When we were little kids we ate everything until we were full and stopped when we were satisfied. We didn't measure our bodies, weight the food, look at it with fear. But one day everything changed...
You become a teenager, you become obsessed with food, how you look, what you wear... I ended up with an eating disorder my relationship with food was so bad, I was scared of shopping, restaurants, cooking, I scared of a cup of water...
How I deal with food today is a lot different, I enjoy in smells, shopping, restaurant time with family, new recipes and exotic food. I took some time to get to know food and how it feels to eat against my fear. Yes, it was hard, but I push myself through my limits and did it!

Enjoy in these few tips and daily practices for a better relationship with food, just remember you need to want that and give yourself time.

1. What is food
Food has calories, those calories are energy, that energy is living, living is life, and you can't live life if you don't have a body without energy. The same thing with a car, if you don't go to gas station and fill it with gas you cant travel. Food is energy that contains nutrients, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

2. Feel Your Feelings
If you are feeling sad, feel sad. Notice and name the feeling. Journal about it or try meditating on it. When you feel sad, mad, tired, or even happy, try to really honor the feelings and try to not use food as a way to comfort, distract, or deal with the feelings. Don't let your bad feelings control your food, let it out from your body but enjoy in food.

3. Eat What You Want
If you are craving that banana, chocolate, pasta, salad, ketchup, vine go and have it. But just please make sure your soul really want it, in that way you are saying thank you to your body and healing it. Food that you enjoy is a gift to your soul , you get to know your human needs. Don't think about dies, calories or sizes, think about how your soul is happy.

4.Set a trigger
Every time you sat in front of the plate, say thank you for that food.
Every time you sat on a chair say to yourself how awesome you are and why food is so important to you.
Every time you heard that voice in your head (ego) go and grab something to eat.
Every time you wait in line, notice the life around you, and how amazing is to be here. Make it a daily practice only your practice and will make you free.

5. Set it as an uplifting goal
Don't think that when you start eating you will bee fat, don't think if you eat this or that you won't be enough. Think about what you will get with that goal. Put it in a positive way, don't think about the thing you will lose, think about the things you will gain. Don't think how hard it is going to be, think how good you will become because you do it.

6. Eat when you are hungry
If you don't feel hunger set a time, make sure to eat every two hours. Notice how your body feels when it is hungry, it's not good, really do you want to feel like that your whole life? Make a schedule to eat in a specific time and do it! It's about taking the time to pause, sense your body, ask yourself what you are sensing, and associating your sensations with memory or feeling like sadness or anxiety.

7. Want it
Really dream about that freedom of intuitive eating. Only your will and your sacrifice for life can make you free.

8. Make your own list
Make a list of why is food important to you. Food is energy, life, family, body, happiness, memories, yummy, interesting, beautiful, part of me!

9. Calories
DONT COUNT CALORIES!!! Counting them just make this journey harder. Make it as trigger every time you read calories, make sure you buy and eat that food, even if is just a bite.
Smiling and laughing burns calories.
Calories are the number of smiles you going to have today, number of time with your friends in a bar, a number of laughs with your family at the beach.

Next blog post next week, how to build more confidence in life. Hope you enjoy, lots of love.

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