I know it may be a dream of yours, to be home, sleep and eat and don't look your teachers. But believe me when I tell you that for at least two months you will want to go back to school.
Here are just some ideas to do when you are bored and my routine.
I always wake up at 8:00 and have breakfast around 8:30, then I journal my feelings and thoughts and plan my day.
a)Journaling helps me to clean my mind and declutter all the negativity so I can start new and fresh. 💌
b) Meditation is the best weapon to fight with anger and anxiety. I usually meditate for 15-20 minutes. 🧘Then I practice yoga for 30-40 minutes. Yoga is keeping me safe in breath and movement, I found the balance between this and my inner world. I'm so happy that I finally enjoy moving my body, I love to stretch my body.
Around 11:00 I start working on my blog, videos, pictures just my content and it keeps me focus so I don't think about food.
I usually start preparing my lunch at around 11:30, lately I let my mom cook for me so I don't see how she preparing my food. But I love to cook and trying new recipes. Here is my recipe for broccoli and zucchini fritters.
3 cups chopped steamed broccoli
3/4 cups flour
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon of salt and paper
2 tablespoons olive oil/coconut oil/sunflower oil
you can add 1/2 of onion
1 big zucchini
Start by cutting your broccoli and cook it. After your broccoli is cooked transfer it in a large bowl and stirs in flour, paper, and salt, grips in your zucchini. Make sure your broccoli is cold down before you add eggs. Check the eggs inside. Mix it and squeeze it together like you making a dough. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat. Once hot, use a ladle to spoon the batter into the pan to form small patties... Allow the fritters to cook for 3 minutes until lightly golden and then flip and cook for 2-3 more minutes on the other side. Once cooked transfer to a paper towel and keep warm in the oven while you cook the remainder of the fritters.After lunch, I'm studying for 45 minutes and then I take a nap to rest my body and let it heal. I wake up at 15:00 and have my snack at 15:15-15:40I need to take a walk every day to clear my mind and take some fresh air. I love listening podcasts, here are some of the mine favorites:
1. Pretty basic!! 2. The lavendaire lifestyle 3. The Brendon show 4. Unsolicited advice 5. trust your body
After my walk I draw, paint, watch a movie, create more content, listening to music or clean if I need. I make sure I finish before 18:30 then I start preparing my dinner, here is my favorite colorful porridge:How I make it:
8 tablespoons of oat flakes
1 teaspoon of chia seeds
two hands of granola or muesli
200 milliliters of fruit yogurt
and fruit kiwi or strawberriesAfter dinner I practice yoga for 20 more minutes, draw and do some school things. I always write my diary and journal. I take a shower at 20:30 every day and have my night snack at 21:00At the night I do something that every teenager does I binge watch on YouTube, I love Alisha Marie vlogs (my queen) Emily Sara, Shane Dawson, Stephanie Buttermore, Rebecca Leung!! Fancy vlogs by Gabi and so much more...