How to be more confident in any area of your life is simply a choice you need to make every day, it is a practice and a long lesson. I learned about confidence through my favorite podcasts and books.
1. Practice
You need to get good at the thing that you love so you can say full of confident I can do it. Confidence is simply a huge practice in a specific area. More you love and practice that more people you meet and more comfort.
2. Decide to be confident
Set an intention, you can be happy in every moment and you don't need 1000 different reasons for that. You can't just wake up one morning and boom you are confident, you need to decide that every day. You don't need a bunch of stuff for confident, simply just switch your focus on confident.3. Integrity
a. Express who you are
Pursue things that you truly desire, being comfortable in your body, who you are is okay and is enough. Express your own passions and dreams, your uniqueness is something that will build comfort.
b. Vision
Know who you are, who you going to be, have dreams and goals. When you have that special goal that you truly desire nothing won't stop you.
c. Show to the world who you are, allow yourself and your soul to be you. Express your skills and talents and show yourself up there.
4. Competency- knowledge, skill, and ability
Be okay to not be good at any area in your life. Be okay with not being confident because you don't know hows things gonna turn out. But go for it because you develop skill and with skill, there is comfort. Nothing change in who you are what change is your level of competency.
5. Challenges
Take more action. Move towards every day. Don't wait for the perfect time to pursue your goals. Gain more vision and momentum and see this world. The more you see and know more confident you are. Challenge yourself every day.
6. People
Get around people who are positive, go out and collect memories. Find and get around people who cheer you on. Simply get rid of negativity, you don't need that energy on your path.
7. Believe in yourself
With belief nothing will stand on your path, you have your own journey and life, so believe in it!
Hope you enjoyed, new post next week. You can find me on pinterest too, let me know what you think. Lots of love!