What is life's purpose? What are you meant to do and be?
Your purpose has nothing to do with what you should do (or not). It is not about being right or wrong. It has nothing to do with what your parents think. It has nothing to do with being rich, respected, or famous. It’s not even about what you want or desire. Instead, your life purpose emanates clearly from your body/mind once it is free from patterns. It is your life's purpose to find your own.
1. Alive
Be fully alive. Cultivate aliveness, be special and proud of your life. You've been given this life because of the reason. When you live fully you experience full life around you, people, memories, and cultures become part of you.2. Unique
Habits, beliefs, the way you think, the way you move, the way you pursue things, see and visual life is different.
Live your life unique, be your own person. Be true to yourself. Don't live your parent's life or the life of your neighbors, you've been given this unique so make a difference in this world.
3. Connection
We all share similar areas, there is always someone who will understand you. Humans caring and love will connect us. Love is a purpose. Connect with people that you love before they go. Collecting memories with those you love and appreciate is part of your journey.4. Intentionality
The vision we have. The vision for the future life is changing every moment, we get to choose who we going to be and how we going to become that person.
We can vision a perfect world and work for it, we have the ability to dream, think and to face our fears.
5. Follow your curiosity
Follow your heart toward your dreams. Do things that matter and that put you closer to your goals.
Questions I ask myself for life's purpose:
What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?
What would I do even if nobody paid me to do it?
What makes me come alive?
Why would people remember me?
Who am I going to be today?
You will find your purpose just keep looking and exploring this amazing world. Be yourself, free and beautiful, go and never give up! New blog post next week, checkout my pinterest for more ideas.