22 May

1 full week of my all in journey is down. Today is my 12th day and I don't crave a lot of sweet things anymore, I am still farting and burping a lot. My biggest craving is rice and pasta. I truly didn't have any bad body image day only on day 7 was a bit harder. I didn't exercise.

I just wanted to share some tips on how to deal with bloating and constant farting.

  1. PUT ON COMFORTABLE CLOTHES - If you are walking around in those tight jeans or leggings is just going to get worst. Relax your muscles and give your body time to breathe. Put on a dress of sweets.
  2. DRINK WATER - Drink a lot of water to clean your body
  3. STRETCH FOR 5 MINUTES - Nothing special nothing hard just stretch your things and stomach a bit it will relax your muscles and help you go to the bathroom.
  4. CLEAN YOUR ROOM - You will clean your space, your mind, and move your body in a natural way and it will move your digestive system.
  5. HUG YOURSELF - Start to appreciate what you see in the mirror and instead of hating your bloated stomach, look at it as a way your body is healing you from the inside. It is feeding you with nutrients and giving you life.
  6. JOURNAL - If you have a bad feeling just put them on a paper
  7. DRINK LEMON WATER - I like to drink it in a morning so I don't get super bloated throughout the day, it helps me maybe it will help you.

And really there is nothing wrong with farting is a normal human process. More you art you will release all these gases from your body and it will decrease your bloating.


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