I know the feeling of being lost I didn't know who I can trust and what I need to do, how to make that decision. Only saying that word was hard for me I didn't know the meaning. But now I'm not lost anymore I'm recovering for one year and I want to share something I wish I knew at the beginning.
Forget all of your meal plans, forget your knowledge about portion sizes, food, calories, exercising, healthy eating...
I needed to forget all of my ideas about calories and meal plans but I just reminded myself one day -Lea you are uneducated about that what a heck you know about meal plans?-
Start from scratch not holding to nothing will help you build something new!2. SAY IT OUT LOUD 😱
Every morning before my feet touch the ground I say -I WANT TO RECOVER TODAY, I WANT TO BE FREE-
Talk to other people how you feel say out loud your emotions if you feel bad to say I'm not good. It is important that you moving that mask by using your voice.
I remember one day I came home from a school completely starving, tired and I just said -Dad I'm hungry- I saw the tears in his eyes and make myself some dinner I realize how amazing my thoughts are. You are in control of your life. It will be so much easier to make changes if you are just honest and say your problems and needs out loud!
Omg, I can't even describe how obsessed I was with this question I always thought I was eating too much and I was just so scared to force myself to take another bite. But then I came to the point where my question was -BODY IS THIS ENOUGH FOOD FOR YOU NOW?-
If you still thinking about food after lunch you are hungry, if you think you are eating too much you probably eating too little. Change your question, forget about all you know and ask your body at that moment how is it feel and is it hungry. Your body will tell you how much you need to eat. There is no right meal plan that the doctor gave you that will make you happy, those things are here to make you obsessed. Your body will give you the answer just be kind and ask!
I know how you feel about that but as I said forget that sh**. I know it is hard and I still count them sometimes but you will just be stuck in that circle when you will want to go back and eat less and less.
One thing that helped me is that instead of seen those numbers as bad and fat I started thinking that that was the number of my smiles at the day. As many calories that much energy I will have and I will be able to live another day with a smile on my face.
You simply need to know that eating disorder is staying on your path to happiness, success, and sociality. With an eating disorder, you are dead again...