I love myself. And I don't care if you don't like me, I'm honest with myself and because I love myself that makes me stronger than ever. For a long time, I didn't love myself. The real question, do you love yourself? Why you don't like the way you look? What is that, that you really don't like about yourself? Is it your youth, nouse, mind, slow, body, habits... Here are some of my own tips that help me:
Yes, it is so easy. Just go in front of the mirror and hug yourself, hold it until you feel warm. That will help you feel secure in your body.2. LOVE LETTER
I love writing a love letter to myself. That helps me remind me how awesome and lovely am I. "Dear me, I love you because of all of your flaws and mistakes. Your laugh is just so shiny and when I saw your reflexion in a mirror I just love you even more. I love how you don't care about others, I love how you know what you want every day. I love your creativity, your passion, and courage..."
I try this one once. On a sticky notes write all thing you don't like about yourself and stick it on a mirror. Then ask your friends, family, followers... to correct those mistakes and write everything they love about you. That will help you feel motivated and loved even more. You will see that those "mistakes" on you are the best things ever.
Take a bath, shower, put a face mask, paint your nails, brush your hair, shave your legs... I don't know do whatever you love and that makes you feel even more beautiful from outside. That will help you realize even more how beautiful physically you are. My new blog post will be some self-care tips.
You love writing, then write all day. You love ridinga bike, go and do it. You love painting, paint the most beautiful picture ever. You love running, go and run. You love shopping go and buy yourself new underwear. Doing what you love makes you happy, don't worry if that isn't perfect. You need to enjoy in that process, you need to follow ever cure unless you don't touch the light side.6. I AM...
Write down all the good! I am. Positive life comes from positive thinking, and if you want to think you need to think beautiful thoughts. Meditate on those things, repite to yourself every day, you need to know that you are enough. You can write I am beautiful, smart, fast, responsible, smart, peaceful, amazing... Because you truly are.
You can always ask for professional help (psychiatric, psychologist...) Ask your family, and you can always DM me on my Instagram for help and support.
You just need to know that loving yourself is a practice, you won't just wake up one day and be happy with everything you have and are. But loving your body and soul will push you even more in your life, just remember how much your body is giving you every day. You need to be grateful for that peace, the universe gave you that life because of the reason. And you are my perfect reason for living! Love you all, new blog post next week.