30 Dec

Do you want to improve yourself, become a better friend and human? There are some small changes you can take today to become more aware and happier. Personal growth ideas for the new year:

I have a YouTube video on this topic

1. Do something new every day 

We all get stuck in our shelves sometimes and don't want to open outdoor and look at the world. We stick to old habits and routines, there is so much growth in just making a new step every day. It doesn't have to be huge it can be simple as changing your way to school and instead of bus you walk or change your toothpaste, go to a park in the morning... Little things are important to be more spontaneous maybe you will smell and seething you never did. Experiences make you grow. 


2. Read books and take action

Read self-help books. I know it is hard at the beginning but you will become way more conscious about your being and others just by taking 30 min and reading. You will expand your vocabulary and learn so many new things. 

3. Listen to Podcasts

And if you don't feel like reading listen to some self-love podcasts, you will learn so much about what others do for a living and how they spend their days. And you can try to listen to Ted Talks it will boost your self-esteem and confidence and teach you stories people survived. 

4. Learn a new skill

Cooking, sewing, better handwriting, podcasting, editing videos, writing blog, books...

It will grow you as a human and you can go out and commend about your skills and you will also meet so many new people in that niche commend about. 

5. Clean

I always feel so accomplished when my space is clean because it reflects my inner being. Clean space, clean mind. 

6. Walk

Truly take the opportunity to realize the outside world and this planet, get to know your space. Walking will help in your mental health too.

7. Don't let fear stop you

More you say yes to opportunities that scare you and if you feel just a bit anxious and exciting that is a great sign for you go for it. Take an action even if you feel that fear voice, shut it down put your head up and do it.

8. Treat your body

Learn to love and accept your current body, your body that is giving you this life and working on you every day, take a step back and realize how incredibly beautiful you are. Show some love to yourself.


The last tip is gratitude, practice gratitude journaling every morning. Reflect on what you have so you can expand to get more of what you want. There are so many things to be grateful for and realize how amazing it is to be human and have the ability to improve. 

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