First: you are not fat if you are bloated! Bloating isn't fat! I experience a lot of bloating because I'm in recovery from an eating disorder and that's normal. That is normal for every human being to bloat sometimes. Sometimes I feel fat and bad about that, but sometimes I feel proud and happy.
Here is an explanation of bloating and how to deal with it...
That is normal! Your bowel and stomach got smaller because of a long period of starvation or restricting or purging. And now you are starting to eat again and it is different for your body to let food in that small space. So simply it is a way that your body making more space for food, your body is showing you that he needs more space. It is temporary!!2. HOW TO GET THROUGH IT 🌠
Just don't stop eating! I know it is hard but when I heard that I was in shock. Basically, I thought I eat way too much and my eating disorder just used that over me to stop eating. But if you stop eating you will experience bloating all the time, you need to make space in your stomach. Your stomach needs to grow to his normal shape, and the only way is to eat food. Your body will realize that it is no longer in starvation mode and you will recover.3. HOW I DEAL WITH IT 🎀
So this is just my way to better deal with it. If I feel bad and uncomfortable I will wear big and baggy clothes just to feel more comfortable and continue with my day.
Cook a warm tea, it helps me warm my organs and I just feel lovable.
Don't look at the mirror if it is to trigger for you just hide all the mirrors and don't look!
If it's not triggering than I like to play and smile and kiss my stomach, sometimes I just lipstick and write love on my stomach.
Eat another meal no matter what because I know I will be healthier and happier.
Talk to my parents, if it is too bad I like to cry it out and reach for some help.