1. Make peace with your past
You can't live your life fully holding to all bad memories from your past. Make peace so it won't disturb your present. Write a letter to your past self, forgive your mistakes and people. Open a new page and start living now.
2. Have a vision
Have a vision of who you want to become, what kind of person you want to be, what are your qualities, how you feel. What is your dream, what is your goal, where you want to go, what you want to do? Best thing I recommend is a vision board, really take your time and play with every detail. Make a vision of life that you are proud of. If you don't know yet that's okay, go and experience a wold a bit more, ask others what they did, but don't give up.
Start with what kind of person I want to be__________ (strong, kind, present, smart, responsible, realible, grateful...) Discipline yourself to become that type of person.3. Believe
Believe in your ability to figure things out, give yourself time. Believe in your self! With enough time, focus and resources over a period of time we will figure things out, no matter how hard it gets! Develope through hard times, grow through hard times, there will be a better tomorrow, oner a struggle. Because you know that you will figure things out.
You don't own all the problems in the world. A smile is free, be different, happy and change this world. You going to have fun on this journey even when it sucks, even when is difficult, even when you fall, and you don't have the motivation to get up. Bring joy in every situation and don't forget about your goal!
5. Be patient
Life may not be going as fast as you want it, you may not have all the things now but give it time. Allowed yourself to figure things out and learn. Oner the struggle, focus on things that are good for your life, business...
6. Respect others
We are all in this game of life, we all do the best we can. We all have a different vision, goals, and passions. Aloud other people to follow their own rules and let them be okay with their life. Don't judge them you have your own path and journey.
7. What others think about you
is none of your business, just focus on your vision and journey. Focus on joy and live your life now!
Hope you enjoyed, lots of love new blog post next week.